Teaching Opportunities Abroad Scholarship (USA, UK, France) For Foreigners in 2025

Have you been looking for global teaching opportunities abroad as a foreigner?

Teaching is a worldwide profession, globally required, and respected even by developed countries. However, as prestigious as the teaching profession seems, schools in the world are experiencing a global shortage of 44 million teachers (Global Teacher Report, 2024).

Countries such as the UK experience a shortage of about 50% of secondary school teachers.  

Countries all over the world speak different languages and hence exhibit different cultures and heritages. This shortage has placed a strain on schools, impacting the quality of education and creating challenges in meeting the diverse needs of students.

In this article, we have compiled a list of global teaching opportunities abroad that are available to foreign nationals.

Teacher Shortages Around the World

Teacher shortages are a global issue that is peculiar not only in developing countries (Africa and South Asia) but also in high-income regions like Europe and North America.

African countries have high populations, high illiteracy, and poverty rates, and low quality in terms of the standard of schools and their facilities. These contribute to the high shortage of teachers in the available schools as the environments are not friendly and the teachers are not well paid.

In developed economies similarly, there exists a shortage of teachers at primary and secondary education levels. This is due to the challenges of replacing teachers who are retiring or leaving the profession otherwise as many young people abroad are no longer interested in the job.

Countries With High Teacher Shortage Globally

United States – By 2025, the forecast is that there will be nearly 225,000 teacher vacancies.

England: 2500

Germany, Hungary, Poland, Austria, and France: More than 80,000 teaching unfilled teaching positions were reported in 2022.

Several other Asian countries such as Japan, China, UAE, Spain, Saudi Arabia, and South Korea have also reported huge numbers of vacancies for teachers in their respective schools.

Teaching Opportunities Abroad for Foreigners

1. US Government Fulbright Teaching Program

The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program fully sponsors international secondary-level educators to the United States for a six-week professional learning opportunity at a host university.

Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement participants attend academic seminars at a host university that focus on topics such as new teaching methodologies, student-centered learning, instructional technology, and content-based instruction.

Benefits: Full Sponsorship | Travel Costs | Living Allowance | Accommodation

2. British Council Modern Language Assistant in the UK

The British Council annually recruits language assistants to help students improve their knowledge and understanding of foreign languages and cultures.

The program offers selected candidates the opportunity to spend a year living and working in the UK.

Benefits: Employment | Monthly Salary | Training 

3. British Council Teachers Training Scholarships

The British Council is awarding scholarships to inspire future generations of linguists with your passion for languages, and to begin a rewarding career as a Modern Foreign Languages teacher.

The British Council Teachers Training Scholarship offers continuing professional development support and £28,000 of funding to talented individuals. 

Benefits: £28,000 Funding | Professional Development

4. France English Language Assistants Program

France English Language Teaching Assistants Program offers a monthly allowance of €1036 for 7 months to support students in their international mobility project.

English Language Assistants Program allows you to familiarize yourself with the language and culture of France while bringing, within educational establishments, the authenticity of your language and the richness of your culture.

Benefits: €1,036 monthly stipend  

5. Japan Government MEXT Teachers Training Scholarship

The Japanese Government annually offers the MEXT Teachers Training Scholarship to international candidates who wish to conduct research on school education at designated Japanese universities.

Recipients receive full scholarships covering the costs of study, healthcare, travel, and living expenses, and are selected on the recommendation of the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General, University, or Authority.

Benefits: Full Sponsorship | Monthly ¥146,000 Living Allowance | Travel Costs | Helathcare

To know more details about this scholarship and how to apply!

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