Employer: Digitys
Position: Administrative Services Assistant
Salary Pay: $14 – $15 an hour
Job Type: Contract
Duration: 12 months
Work location: Remote
General Responsibilities include:
- Nurture the collaborative relationships between natural resource agencies including state, federal, and local governments as well as outdoor recreation non-profit organizations.
- Develop and maintain an internal permitting structure for outdoor recreational requests on State Forests.
- Prepare detailed reports for state executives and other stakeholders that describe current and possible future projects/activities.
- Work with state forest staff to create GIS-based maps designating State Forest uses.
- Engage outdoor recreational stakeholders and educate them on the mission of the Division of Forestry and how outdoor recreation interacts with natural resource management in State Forests.
- Develop an outdoor recreational strategic plan for the State Forest system.
- Work with the State Forest Unit Leader to determine appropriate funding for outdoor recreational management on the State Forest system.
8-hour shift
Application Process
If you are interested in this job role, check out more information on the Official website and apply now!